Donations are the cornerstone of the Chosen Valley Community Foundation.
Through their contributions donors make tangible improvements in the community and the lives of those who live here. The Foundation provides a unique opportunity to put money to work in your local community. Just like other non-profit charities, contributions to the Foundation are tax deductible. However, unlike other charities, contributions to the Chosen Valley Community Foundation stay right here in your community for your neighbors.
Our donors help us build our community. The Chosen Valley Community Foundation is a place for people of good will to invest in our community. Those who choose to use the foundation know that funds are wisely managed and used to support programs that invigorate new ideas.
Donate online or by mail with the following options:
The Foundation works with donors to determine the best use of their gifts. Donors can choose among one of our three existing funds, or in certain circumstances, we can work with donors to direct grants towards needs of their choice.
- Money is treated as a permanent endowment
- Capital from the contributions is never withdrawn
- Interest or appreciation of the original investment is used to support grants and/or scholarships
- The money available for grants and scholarships varies from year to year based on market performance
- Money is directed toward programs prioritized by the Foundation, including small and large grants and/or scholarships.
- Funds are available for immediate grants and community projects
- All available funds may be used
- A portion of the funds may be held for future growth
- Funds are directed toward projects that may have a single large impact on the community
- The Foundation determines the merit of these projects and the funds available to each project
- Donors have the ability to direct how their contributions are used such as scholarships or providing a lasting impact for another organization
- Donors may choose to fund specific areas of interest such as scholarships, culture, health care, civic improvement or support, or youth or the arts.
- Funds must meet certain criteria
- We will work with donors to meet your needs
Ways To Give
We take personal checks, and gifts of real property such as stocks, bonds, CDs etc. If you are interested in including the Foundation as part of your estate planning, we welcome the conversation and can provide advice in how to make this happen.
Where the Money Goes
We are not yet a big enough Foundation to hold money ourselves. Therefore, we have partnered with the Rochester Community Foundation to take advantage of their money management resources. Money is invested conservatively to protect the capital while achieving reasonable rates of return. The Chosen Valley Community Foundation ALWAYS RETAINS CONTROL of our financial assets.
Please download the donation form and send it along with your check payable to Chosen Valley Community Foundation to: Chosen Valley Community Foundation, PO Box 552, Chatfield, MN 55923.
“In the long run, we get no more than we have been willing to risk giving”
-Sheldon Kopp