Chatfield Firefighters Scholarship
The Chosen Valley Community Foundation will award a $750 scholarship to each graduating senior whose parent is or show has been a member of the Chatfield Fire Department.
Children and stepchildren of any active, retired (minimum 20 years of service), or deceased firefighter who served on the Chatfield, Minnesota, Fire Department are eligible for this scholarship. The applicant must be a graduating senior and have at least a “C” average while a student. Only one scholarship can be received per applicant.
Applications may be obtained from the Guidance Counselor at the Chatfield Public Schools, or you can download and print the Firefighters Scholarship Grant Application here. You may also apply by submitting the online application below.
The application must be completed in full and returned to the Chatfield School’s Guidance Counselor or to the Chatfield Fire Chief. Deadline is set by the Chatfield High School and will be included in the packet information.
Upon being awarded a scholarship, the applicant will be informed that the scholarship amount will be paid directly to their post-secondary school after the first semester. The applicant must have at least a “C” average or its equivalent at that post-secondary school after the first semester. The funds will be paid directly to the school and will be applied towards tuition. The applicant shall be responsible for providing the required information to the Treasurer of the Chosen Valley Community Foundation for payment of the funds.
Complete and submit the online application for the Chatfield Firefighters Scholarship here.